
The Autism Society Greater Hudson Region, New York is a not-for-profit organization that serves people living with autism in the Greater Hudson Region of New York State and their families. Our vision is a society where all individuals on the autism spectrum are fully participating members of our community.

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Last Chance to Vote!It’s the final day to make your vote count in the @timesunion’s Big $100,000 Giveaway! You could help us win a $10,000 advertising grant to continue supporting local families and individuals in the autism community. Cast a vote today!Here’s how to vote:1. Go to Scroll down to "Autism Society Greater Hudson Region"3. Click vote.Voting runs through tomorrow, December 6th! Thank you for participating - the connection is you.#CapitalRegionGives #TimesUnion #Autism #support #votetoday #givingseason #giftsofacceptance ... See MoreSee Less
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The Autism Society maintains referral listings as a service to our constituents. Efforts are made to ensure listings are of legitimate service providers and that listings are accurate. The Autism Society does not endorse or claim to have personal knowledge of the abilities of those listed. We urge users of this directory to use independent judgment and request references when considering the use of services from any professional.

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