Contact Us

EIN: 14-1776927

Autism Society Greater Hudson Region, New York 
Mailing Address: 430 Franklin Street, 2nd Floor Schenectady, NY 12305 (in-person by appointment only)

🚨 Notice: ASGHR Phone Line Down 🚨
Our phone lines are currently down for incoming calls, but we can still make outgoing calls**.
If you are in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out via:
Contact Form: below, or at
Social Media: Send us a message on social media! Facebook: @AutismSocietyGHR, Instagram @autismsocietyghr, LinkedIn: Autism Society Greater Hudson Region NY.
**If you would like a call back, please include your phone number in your message so we can add you to our list.
We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience!


Want to volunteer? Visit our Volunteer page.

Or submit our Contact Form

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